ニュース News

2022 / 06 / 18

タイフェス in 仙台 2022 開催のお知らせ


こんにちはสวัสดีค่ะ! Hello!

6月25日(土)、26日(日)の2日間 勾当台公園市民広場でタイフェスが開催されます!!

タイフェス in 仙台 2022 開催のお知らせ


タイフェス in 仙台 2022 開催のお知らせ


6月25日(土) 10:00 ‐ 20:00
6月26日(日) 10:00 ‐ 19:00

[Notice of Thai Festival in Sendai 2022]

Thai festival will be held at Kotodai Park on June 25th(sat) and 26th(sun).
Sabai Sabai will also be there with a food stand.It has been 3 years since then, so we are excited☺ As it is the rainy season of the year, I made a Teru teru bozu for a good weather wish!
During festival, let's enjoy eating, drinking and dancing together to feel in Thai style!!

June 25th(sat)  10:00 - 20:00
June 26th(sun) 10:00 - 19:00
*The main restaurant in Kitayobancho will be closed for two days due to the opening of a food stand at Kotodai Park

Today's Schedule